We prefer to use the term liposculpture because, with modern techniques, a remodeling of the silhouette is done in a more harmonious and less traumatic way than in the past. Indeed, the technology of liposuction has evolved over the last few years thanks to fine cannulas, which are not very traumatic and also allow for surface remodeling. Liposculpture is indicated for unsightly localized fatty deposits (stomach, saddlebags, hips, back, inner thighs and knees, under the chin …). It is recommended to prepare the skin before and after with radiofrequency and/or lymphatic drainage sessions in order to correct the “cellulite” aspect that often accompanies excess fat. Some bruising will appear in the postoperative period but will disappear 2 to 3 weeks after the procedure. Wearing a support girdle is recommended for a period of 4 weeks.